Taisan-ji Tsuyado
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Donations-basedA donation is recommended
Onsen nearby with pilgrim discount.
Please Note

Tsuyado are provided as a charity by temples, and should not just be seen as a free alternative to paid lodging. Please leave them as a last resort for pilgrims in trouble; you should not plan your itinerary around tsuyado stays. Read more about them here.

Key Distances & Elevations

< 100 m from the main pilgrim path
walking distance1 minute
walking distance0 m
walking distance10 m
walking distance47 minutes
walking distance4 m
walking distance19 m
walking distance2 minutes
walking distance0 m
walking distance16 m
835.2 km from pilgrimage start: Temple 1 – Ryozenji
302.0 km to pilgrimage end: Temple 1 – Ryozenji
How are walking times calculated?
Walking times are estimated with a modified approach to Naismith’s rule to account for elevation gains/losses and other practical considerations that require a more conservative bias. The basis of our calculations assumes a speed of 4 kilometers per hour on flat land. Learn more here.


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Imabari, Ehime
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