Roadside station Oyama
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Running water
Structure is mostly exposed

Amenities & Facilities

Running water

Key Distances & Elevations

< 100 m from the main pilgrim path
walking distance< 1 minute
walking distance2 m
walking distance0 m
walking distance2 hours 19 minutes
walking distance51 m
walking distance400 m
walking distance8 hours 12 minutes
walking distance237 m
walking distance156 m
279.1 km from pilgrimage start: Temple 1 – Ryozenji
852.0 km to pilgrimage end: Temple 1 – Ryozenji
How are walking times calculated?
Walking times are estimated with a modified approach to Naismith’s rule to account for elevation gains/losses and other practical considerations that require a more conservative bias. The basis of our calculations assumes a speed of 4 kilometers per hour on flat land. Learn more here.


profile pictureDeclan MageeMember
September 11, 2023

The station is “temporarily closed” at the time of writing this and the car parks are roped off so this may not apply in the future. There are a few beams you can dry out clothes and other wet gear on. The ground is quite clean and the wood looks very new, there are also open toilets around the back which can be used. The light from the street lamps shine directly into your tent which is slightly annoying but bearable. You will also be subject to the noise of cars driving by on the nearby road.

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